The invention relates to an injection device (1) having an adjusting part (25)which rotates in afirst rotational direction (43) about a central longitudinal axis (10) of theinjection device (1)relative to a housing (2) of the injection device (1) when adjusting aquantity of injection liquidto be pressed out of the injection device (1). The adjusting part (25) rotatesin a secondrotational direction (44) opposite the first rotational direction (43) whenpressing out theinjection liquid. The injection device has a latching device (72) whichdefines at least onelatching position of the adjusting part (25). The latching device (72)interacts with the adjustingpart (25) and the housing (2). The latching device (72) is active at leastwhen adjusting thequantity of injection liquid to be pressed out of the injection device (1). Inorder to allow anylatching position of the injection device (1) to be fixed independently of oneanother, eachlatching position is associated with a clear rotational position of theadjusting part (25) relativeto the housing (2).