Игнатенко Борис Илларионович,Мартынов Дмитрий Борисович
The invention relates to medicine, namely to ophthalmology, and is a sunglasses, designed for people with one or no blind eye. The utility model is made in the form of housing - spectacle frames, in which there are two input light box, intended for the passage of beams carrying the image of the object of observation, and one outlet ocular window in which the user is looking. The distance between the axes of the input light of windows is approximated distance between the users pupils. Outside, in front of the input light windows arranged optical filters that change their light transmission of maximum transparency to the maximum opacity. State change filters transparency / opacity occurs cyclically, with a frequency of several tens of hertz, the user defined by an adjustable generator. If a filter is transparent, in that moment, the other is dark and vice versa. Near the entrance of the light box sighted eyes over the optical color filter is an electronic distance meter, the direction of action coincides with the direction of the users view of the observed object. In the body-frame after the input light window sighted eyes beam-splitting prism is set, and after the input light window blind or absent eyes found pivoting mirror actuator for its rotations, the rotary mirror has a vertical axis of rotation. Between the beam splitter and the deflecting mirror is mounted adjustable eyepiece unit. Electronic rangefinder measures the distance to an observed object and outputs a corresponding signal to the actuator rotary mirror, and the actuator rotates the mirror at an angle that is proportional to the signal from the electronic range finder. Simultaneously, by pivoting the mirror actuator a signal on the ocular unit to adjust its magnification factor which is a function of the angle of rotation of the mirror. Using the utility model can increase the viewing angle horizontally in the direction of a blind eye and provide volumetric perception of the observed objects. 1 n.p.f.