2. Surgical equipment for incision and closure, including cutting tool guide and non suture device for wound suture. The film attached to the skin has a central crack, the edge of which is reinforced by two bands, divided into a central incision slope. A removable septum occupies the slope of the incisionThe strip is continuously separated before the incision, and a series of joint pipes pass through all the thickness of the strip, which are used for drainage of wound and joint of device closure device. The removable pressure or magnetic closure device includes two flexible double-sided strips which are connected with the frequency bands on both sides at the end of the operation.And then they're connecting with each other to bring the gang together and deal with the edges of the wounds The removable adapter element of laparoscopic surgery is connected to the device and serves as a slice support and gas seal valve. Another removable adapter assembly is docked with the device as a cutting guide for skin splitting surgery.Dispositivo quirúrgico para incisión y cierre de la piel que comprende una guía para instrumentos de corte y un mecanismo de cierre de heridas sin suturas. Una lámina que se adhiere a la piel presenta una hendidura central cuyos bordes están reforzados por dos bandas que delimitan un surco de incisión central. Un tabique central removible ocupa el surco de incisión y la hendidura central manteniendo una separación constante entre las bandas antes de realizar la incisión. Una serie de conductos trasversales atraviesan todo el espesor de las bandas y sirven para el drenaje de la herida y para el acoplamiento del mecanismo de cierre del dispositivo. Un cierre a presión o magnético removible comprende dos tiras flexibles bilaterales que se acoplan a ambos lados de las bandas al concluir la cirugía, y se enganchan entre sí para aproximar las bandas y afrontar los bordes de la herida subyacente. Un elemento adaptador removible para cirugía laparoscópica se