FIELD: medicine, pharmaceutics.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to chemical-pharmaceutical industry, namely to creation of medication for treatment and prevention of diseases of urogenital system of males. Medication contains the following ingredients: root of liquorice and drone brood.EFFECT: intake of claimed medication stimulates work of glands, normalises reproductive system in males, favours displaying anti-inflammatory, anaesthetic, urination-normalising and restoring sexual function actions.2 ex, 2 clAgens za primenu u lečenju i prevenciji bolesti muškog urogenitalnog sistema, pri čemu pomenuti agens sadrži koren običnog sladića, naznačen time što on sadrži njegov fino samleveni prah i što dalje sadrži trutovskp leglo, sa sledećim udelima komponenata (tež. %):trutovsko leglo (prah): 25-75koren običnog sladića (prah): 75-25.Prijava sadrži još 1 patentni zahtev.