This invention provides a combination of a DNA strand/fragment and isotope therapy that is applied to a cancerous tissue to selectively kill cancer cells with minimal negative effects on surrounding non-cancerous cells. Linear DNA fragments with labeled isotope are able to be absorbed by the tumor cells and bind the tumor cells DNA through recombination, and then the isotope kills the tumor cells. Illustratively, a gene or a DNA fragment is employed as a carrier to deliver the P-32 which can kill cancer cells through radioactive emission. The illustrative embodiment produces the compound/agent containing a DNA fragment and P-32 through use of conventional P-32 labeling techniques such as those employed in molecular biology experiments (for example experiments used to test gene expression and gene amplification potency). The same P-32 labeled DNA can be employed directly for cancer treatment through a novel medical treatment method. Appropriate doses are provided to patients as part of a medical treatment method.