An object of the present invention is to provide a more bright, graceful and artificial flowers Flower with ornamental plants that can comfortably watch. such as the stem portion 4 of the A rubber tree of ornamental plants that were planted in flowerpot 2 3, a beautiful artificial flowers Flower 5 with a thin wire 6 of the mounting on the lower end, mounted in a binder 7 .FIELD 1【課題】より明るく優美で気持ち良く観賞できる造花フラワー付き観賞植物を提供する。【解決手段】植木鉢2に植えた観賞植物のゴムの木3の茎部4などに、下端には取付用の細い針金6を有する綺麗な造花フラワー5を、結束具7で取り付ける。【選択図】図1