FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medical equipment and is applicable for bed care, holding care and care of disabled A medical bed for therapeutic and hygienic procedures comprises a base 1 with a section bed 2 consisting of head, hip and foot sections which are rotatable and latched at an angle to the base 1, a bath 3, frames 4, a lift 5 and a tool 6 for handling the seriously ill patients and disabled. The section bed 2 and the bath 3 are mutually movable and latched. Ends of the frames 4 opposite to the bed 2 are connected by longitudinal 7 and transversal braces. The bath 3 is arranged between the bed 2 and the lift 5 is made of a waterproof cloth or a waterproof film. The waterproof cloth or the waterproof film is fastened on longitudinal bars 9 and transversal bars 10. The longitudinal bars 9 and transversal bars 10 are coupled with the frames 4 by cantilevers 11 and replaceable bolts 12. The replaceable bolts 12 are arranged in holes formed along the frames 4. The width of the sections of the bed 2 exceeds that of the bath 3 by 5-10 cm. The distance from a surface of the section of the bed 2 to the next hole for the replaceable bolt 12 is equal to the height of the bath 3 and exceeds the height of the bath 3.EFFECT: invention provides a comfortable and safe patients position, improved service characteristics, simplicity of design, as well as reduces physical efforts of medical personnel performing hygienic procedures.6 cl, 4 dwgИзобретение относится к медицинскому оборудованию и может быть использовано для ухода за лежачими больными, ранеными или инвалидами. Медицинская кровать для лечебных и гигиенических процедур содержит основание 1 с секционным ложем 2, включающим головную, тазобедренную и ножную секцию, которые установлены возможностью поворота и фиксации под углом к основанию 1, ванну 3, стойки 4, подъемник 5 и приспособление 6 для перемещения тяжелобольных и инвалидов. Секционное ложе 2 и ванна 3 установлены с возможностью взаимного перем