Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Mezhotraslevoj nauchno-tekhnicheskij kompleks "Mikrokhirurgiya glaza" imeni akademika S.N. Fedorova" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Fede
Mushkova Irina Alfredovna,Мушкова Ирина Альфредовна,Karimova Adelya Nasibulaevna,Каримова Аделя Насибулаевна,Zakharova Irina Aleksandrovna,Захарова Ирина Александровна,Kim Liliya Viktorovna,Ким Лилия
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to ophthalmology, and intended for determining optimum parameters of refraction for laser correction of hypermetropia. Determine the maximum correction of visual acuity (MCVA) into the distance with narrow pupil, wherein fixation target is positioned at a distance of 5 meters. To determine MCVA gradually vary lenses, enhancing them with pitch equal to 0.25 dioptres. Value of corrective lens, corresponding to the MCVA, shows the degree of subjective refraction with narrow pupil. Similarly determine MCVA into the distance with wide pupil. Value of the corrective lens corresponding MCVA with wide pupil, shows a degree of subjective refraction with wide pupil. Then compare the values of subjective refraction with a narrow and a wide pupil difference in the results corresponds to the degree of latent hypermetropia. Next day in the patients trial frame place a positive lens, excessing the value of the degree of subjective refraction with a narrow pupil on 0.5 diopters, check visual acuity, these steps are repeated with the incremental addition of 0.5 diopters, their ratio corresponds to the result of division of already defined degree of latent hypermetropia by 0.5 diopters, values obtained for each measurement step are compared to the value of the MCVA. From these data, choose the dimension, which is preceded by a sharp decrease in visual acuity, and corresponding to a given visual acuity, the subjective refraction value is chosen as the optimal parameter of refraction for the laser correction of hypermetropia.EFFECT: method allows to achieve elimination of hypermetropia of varying degrees, thereby achieving the improvement of visual functions and visual satisfaction of the patient.1 cl, 1 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к офтальмологии, и предназначено для определения оптимальных параметров рефракции для лазерной коррекции гиперметропии. Определяют максимальную коррекцию остроты зрения