Method for diagnosing osteoporosis by a method for defining the dynamics of closing cavity formations in order to assess the effectiveness of using various osteoprotectors
Obschestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennost'ju "Parafarm";Obschestvo s ogranichennoj otvetstvennostju "Parafarm"
Strukov, Villorij Ivanovich,Jhones, Olga,Krutiakov, Evgenij Nikolaevich,Elistratov, Konstantin Gennad'evich,Elistratov, Konstantin Gennadevich
A method for diagnosing osteoporosis by a method for defining the dynamics of closing cavity formations in order to assess the effectiveness of using various osteoprotectors relates to the field of medicine, for diagnosing osteoporosis and for defining the effectiveness of preventive action, which has been carried out, on conditions associated with osteoporosis. The method is characterized by laboratory, histological and radiation methods of investigation (standard radiography) and by defining the mineral density of bones by an X-ray absorption method on osteometers, to which an additional diagnostic criterion is introduced - detection of cavity formations by special adjustment of said osteometers for detecting cavity formations in trabecular sections of bones, and also distilled water is introduced in special incubators around the arm and leg extremity bones under investigation. The problem addressed by the claimed invention is that of objectively assessing the effectiveness of the action of (a) preparation(s) (an osteoprotector) and of detecting cavity formations in trabecular sections of bones. It is proposed to improve the diagnostic possibilities of computer osteometers by detecting cavity formations in the event of osteoporosis and defining the severity of the disease not only on the basis of mineral density, but also on the basis of the presence of cavities in trabecular sections of bones.