Provided is a rice planting machine that can improve durability of a drive transfer mechanism by reducing pitting and chipping of teeth occurring in an intermediate gear by reducing deflection in an intermediate axle within a rear axle case. In a rice planting machine which transfers mechanical power to a rear axle case from an engine via a transmission case, an intermediate gear is provided as a reduction mechanism within the rear axle case, and a bearing that supports the intermediate axle, mating with the intermediate gear, and a bearing holder for holding the bearing are also provided. The bearing holder is affixed to the rear axle case using a plurality of bolts and a plurality of reamer bolts.由於旋轉支軸從傳動箱突出的部位存在有夾雜物可進入之間隙,所以會有因為捲附在旋轉支軸的夾雜物而造成傳動箱的密封材受到損傷之虞。具備從引擎接收動力的傳達而進行驅動的整地裝置,前述整地裝置係具備:傳動箱,被傳達來自前述引擎的動力;驅動軸,係設置成從轂部經由油封朝向側邊突出,而該轂部係從該傳動箱的兩側面朝向側邊突出而設置;複數個整地轉子,固定在該驅動軸,並且設置用以覆蓋前述傳動箱的轂部之外側端部的保護構件。22‧‧‧傳動箱23‧‧‧驅動軸24‧‧‧整地轉子25‧‧‧轉子輸入軸26‧‧‧轉子驅動軸27‧‧‧接頭41‧‧‧斜齒輪42‧‧‧轂部43‧‧‧軸承44‧‧‧油封50‧‧‧保護構件51‧‧‧滑動部52‧‧‧擋板