Benzodiazepine derivatives; pharmacological components containing these substances; methods of preparation and use for the treatment of urethral pain, burning, irritation, discomfort or emergency or common diseases caused by infection, surgery, injury or urethral examination procedures Rio.
Phenazopyridine derived Compounds; Pharmaceutical composition that comprises; and its use for the treatment of urinary tract Pain, Burning, irritation,Urgent or frequent urination and discomfort caused by infection, injury or surgery, Review Procedures in the urinary tract.Compuestos derivados de fenazopiridina; composición farmacéutica que los comprende; y su uso para el tratamiento del dolor del tracto urinario, ardor, irritación, malestar o micción urgente o frecuente causado por infecciones, cirugía, daños o procedimientos de examen del tracto urinario.