< Topic >When shelf taking function is done with the float itself, simultaneously the shelf taking combined use float which functioning is done is offered as a predation operational sensor of the original fish.SolutionsShelf taking combined use float 1 to be provided and, penetrating float itself 2 to rectilinear condition, way it passes through the fishline the person in charge hole 3 and, it communicates with the person in charge hole and outside the float itself with the float itself flank, in order from the longitudinal direction intermediate position of the person in charge hole to open outside, to cut the float and itself lack and put out and the open channel the thread which is other end side of the insertion opening of the fishline which becomes 4 which is provided and fishing rod side the thread which is installed in the longitudinal direction intermediate position of the person in charge hole to put out section 5 be with the opening, from center of buoyancy of the float itself be installed on top, from the thread putting out sectionThe thread of lower side, state and it engages in direct condition alongside the person in charge hole breaking off from the person in charge hole, while moving inside and outside the open channel, the float itself and when it is engaged and, the thread putting out section which is made to form unrestrictedly and, it possesses. The thread and the float the person in charge escaping in the thread putting out section, swinging and shelf taking atari wait state and, it makes occur.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】ウキ自体でタナ取り機能を行なうと同時に本来の魚の捕食動作センサとして機能するタナ取り兼用ウキを提供する。【解決手段】タナ取り兼用ウキ1は、ウキ本体2を直線状に貫いて設けられ釣り糸を通す通係孔3と、通係孔とウキ本体外部とをウキ本体側部で連通するように通係孔の長手方向中間位置から外部に開放するようにウキ本体を切り欠いて設けられた開放溝4と、釣竿側となる釣り糸の挿入口の他端側となる糸の出し口で通係孔の長手方向中間位置に設置された糸出し部5であり、ウキ本体の浮心より上部に設置され、糸出し部より下方側の糸が、通係孔に沿って直状に係合する状態と、通係孔から離脱して開放溝内外を移動しつつウキ本体と係合する状態と、を自在に形成させる糸出し部と、を有する。糸出し部で糸とウキが係脱して遊動と、タナ取り・アタリ待ち状態と、を生じさせる。【選択図】図1