A stock solutionfor making pelleted livestock feed or pet food, comprising: a) 20 - 50 wt%. of an organic acid selected from the group consisting of formic, acetic, propionic, butyric and mixtures thereof, b) 15 - 30 wt.% of ethoxylated castor oil surfactant having an HLB from 4 to 18 and a molar ratio of 1 molecule of castor oil to 40 - 60 molecules of ethylene oxide, c) 0 - 20 wt.% of propylene glycol, d) 0-50 wt.% of water, and a pelleted feed made therewith.本發明係關於一種製備粒狀家畜飼料或寵物食物之儲備溶液,其包含:a)20 wt%至50 wt%之選自由甲酸、乙酸、丙酸、丁酸及其混合物組成之群的有機酸,b)15 wt%至30 wt%之乙氧基化蓖麻油界面活性劑,其具有4至18之HLB及1分子蓖麻油比40分子至60分子環氧乙烷之莫耳比,c)0 wt%至20 wt%之丙二醇,d)0 wt%至50 wt%之水,及由其製備之粒狀飼料。