One kind having the function of the potting construction of ecological, environmental protective, it constructs the grass box and linkage frame for being equipped with a basin body, the water-permeable pipe of at least one hollow form, an Openworks shape, and the metalling of a tool water penetration is equipped in basin body, and linkage frame includes upper and lower linkage frame, water-permeable pipe then penetrate this linkage frame in conjunction with and uprightly set above what metalling, and the grass box of Openworks shape is set, then is inserted soil and it is enabled to form the potting construction that a surface has drainage hole on what in the hollow slots of linkage frame. Thereby, when watering when flat or is rainy, moisture content rapid osmotic to bottom metalling can be made to store, make metalling that can highly be retained and promote microbial proliferation, it allows the moisture of bottom to keep ground moistening degree in potting, and the nutrient for giving its soil, enables the more luxuriant of plant growth.一種具有生態環保功能之盆栽構造,其構造設有一盆體、至少一支中空狀之透水管、一鏤空狀之植草盒及連結架,而盆體內鋪設有一具透水性之碎石層,且連結架包含上、下連結架,透水管則透過此連結架的結合而直立設於碎石層上方,並於上連結架之鏤空槽內設置鏤空狀之植草盒,再加以填入土壤令其形成一表面具有排水孔之盆栽構造。藉此,當平時澆水或下雨時,即能使水份快速滲透至底部碎石層儲存,使碎石層可高度保水及增進微生物繁衍,讓底部之溼氣保持盆栽內土壤溼潤度,並供予其土壤之養份,令植物生長的更加茂盛。