A water circulation pet bathing device is disclosed, including a bathtub, a circulation pipe, a water injection unit, a draining unit and a filtering unit. The bathtub has a cleaning space the circulation pipe is arranged at the bathtub and includes a flowing channel communicating with the cleaning space, wherein the flowing channel and the cleaning space are able to define a circulation pathway when coordinating together the water injection unit is arranged at either the bathtub or the circulation pipe, and is able to inject water externally into the circulation pathway the draining unit is arranged at either the bathtub or the circulation pipe, and is able to drain away the water from the circulation pathway to outside the filtering unit is arranged at the flowing channel and is used for disinfecting and filtering dirt in the water. By means of arranging the filtering unit, the disclosed is able to remove hair and dirt fallen during washing a pet and also disinfect at the same time, thereby enabling the bathtub to be injected with water repeatedly in order to save water.一種水循環寵物洗浴裝置,包含一浴缸、一循環管、一注水單元、一排水單元及一過濾單元。該浴缸包括一清洗空間。該循環管設置於該浴缸並包括一連通該清洗空間的流道,該流道與該清洗空間相配合可定義一循環路徑。該注水單元設置於該浴缸及該循環管的其中一者,可將水從外部注入該循環路徑中。該排水單元設置於該浴缸及該循環管的其中一者,可將水從該循環路徑中排放至外部。該過濾單元設置於該流道且用於消毒及過濾水中的髒汙。藉由該過濾單元的設置,能夠除去清洗寵物時落下的毛髮灰塵並消毒,將水注入浴缸重複使用以節省水資源。2‧‧‧浴缸21‧‧‧清洗空間3‧‧‧循環管31‧‧‧循環路徑41‧‧‧注水單元411‧‧‧注水閥42‧‧‧排水單元421‧‧‧排水閥5‧‧‧過濾單元51‧‧‧過濾層6‧‧‧水質檢測單元7‧‧‧加熱單元8‧‧‧儲水槽81‧‧‧儲水空間9‧‧‧控制閥