< Topic >Stabilizing the fishhook for the lure, it can containment, safely the exchange job of the fishhook and the plier which cares it offers.SolutionsStabilizing between the channels of depth, due to the fact that the needle which faces to the triangular form side which is dented passes on the triangle median which the part which projects in triangle of 2 vis-a-vis the part where it is dented in triangle of 1, inserts according to the form of the fishhook, is dented, containment the fishhook.< Choice figure >Drawing 2【課題】ルアー用釣り針を安定して保持することができ、安全に釣り針の交換作業と手入れを行うプライヤーを提供する。【解決手段】1の三角形に凹んだ部分に対して、2の三角形に飛び出た部分が、釣り針の形状に沿って挟み込み、凹んだ三角形中央に縦長の溝の間を、凹んだ三角形状側に向いた針が通過することにより安定して、釣り針を保持する。【選択図】図2