the invention relates to a drehpflug 1 with a anbaubock 2 for connection of the drehpfluges 1 with an agricultural tractor 3 turn and / or revolving befestigbaren pflugrahmen 6 and on opposite sides of the pflugrahmens 6 arranged pflugscharrreihe n 8, 9 with pflugk u00f6rpern 9by a rotation of a antriebsvorrichtung initiated pflugrahmens 6 either one or the other pflugscharrreihe 8, 9 in the position or in the au u00dferbetriebsstellung u00fcberf u00fchrbar and each pflugk u00f6rper 9 against the force of a hydraulic cylinder s 11 as u00fcberlastsicherungselement revolving in the pflugrahmen 6 is supported.a drehpflug with improved results available is providedone of a pressure hydraulikmedium beaufschlagbare effective kolbenfl u00e4che of hydraulikzylinders 11 as u00fcberlastsicherungselement at least in arbeitsfahrtrichtung of drehpfluges 1 first pflugk u00f6rpers 9 larger than a trained by an under pressure hydraulikmedium beaufschlagbare effective kolbenfl u00e4che of hydraulikzylinders 11 as u00fcberlastsicherungseleresults of arbeitsfahrtrichtung of drehpfluges 1 last pflugk u00f6rper 9.