The invention relates to medicine, particularly to oncology and can be used for surgical treatment of subcompensated intestinal obstruction of tumor origin.According to the invention, the claimed method consists in that after the preoperative preparation of the patient is performed the laparotomy with localization of tumor formation, is removed the affected portion of the intestine in radical oncological volume with lymphdissection on the corresponding blood vessels, after which the distal end of the colon is fixed with 3…4 forceps, is performed the aseptic processing of the colon lumen, then the proximal end of the colon is fixed with 3…4 forceps and is performed the aseptic processing of the lumen, after which in the wall of the proximal portion at a distance of 10…15 cm from the resection edge is performed an incision for the application of an anastomosis, using the device for application of mechanical sutures is applied the end-to-side anastomosis in the incision region on the wall of the proximal part with the distal part of the colon, then is prepared the access to the anterior wall of abdomen for exteriorization of the proximal part end with the application of colostomy, in 1…3 months is extraperitoneally closed the colostomy by suturing the walls of the colon and closing the defect of the anterior wall of abdomen.Invenţia se referă la medicină, în special la oncologie şi poate fi utilizată pentru tratamentul chirurgical al ocluziei intestinale subcompensate de origine tumorală.Conform invenţiei, metoda revendicată constă în aceea că după o pregătire preoperatorie a pacientului se efectuează laparotomia cu localizarea formaţiunii tumorale, se înlătură porţiunea afectată de intestin în volum radical oncologic cu limfodisecţie pe vasele sangvine corespunzătoare, după care capătul distal al colonului se fixează cu 3…4 pense, se efectuează prelucrarea aseptică a lumenului colonului, apoi capătul proximal al colonului se fixează cu 3…4 pense şi se efectuează prelu