< Topic >The plant where it is superior in the weed preventing effect, possesses the effect in integrity formation of regional view without the vegetation infrastructure earth flowing out difficult assistant hydraulic power to be high damage and corrosion to do even in the non soil surface which is covered with the mortar and the like and does not become the interference of traffic visibility being long term growth possible, offer of the lightweight vegetation greening mat body which can do application easily. SolutionsTo corrode repeating the sheet which forms the vegetation greening mat body, to the sequence of the nonwoven fabrics which the shade network sheet and the extensive perforated poly sheet of shade factor 95%, pass through the root of the plant difficult, forming cartridge head, 4 it is centimeters thick and in 2 centimeter thick vegetation infrastructure earth and to the sequence of the water soluble paper sheet, the extensive perforated poly sheet and the shade network sheet of shade factor 60% laying the vegetation infrastructure earth with respect to that cartridge head and compressing and forming the nonwoven fabrics which pass through the root of the plant on that, the seed, repeating it forms top, cartridge head and top unify and hold down the movement of the vegetation infrastructure earth and firmly maintaining the structureIn order to do, the vegetation greening mat body which is sewn making use of the kuremona thread which is difficult to corrode at length and breadth specified interval. < Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】防草効果に優れ、モルタル等で覆われた無土壌面でも補水力が高く破損や腐蝕がしにくく植生基盤土が流出することなく地域景観の保全形成に効果を有し交通視界の妨げにならない植物が長期間生育可能で施工が容易に行える軽量な植生緑化マット体の提供。【解決手段】植生緑化マット体を形成するシートを、腐食しにくく遮光率95%の遮光ネットシート、全面有孔ポリシート、植物の根を通す不織布の順に重ねて底部を形成し、その底部上に植生基盤土を4センチ厚で敷き詰め圧縮して2センチ厚の植生基盤土に形成しその上に植物の根を通す不織布、種子、水溶性紙シート、全面有孔ポリシート、遮光率60%の遮光ネットシートの順に重ねて上部を形成し、底部と上部が一体化し植生基盤土の移動を抑えて構造体を堅持するように縦横所定間隔で腐蝕しにくいクレモナ糸を用いて縫製した植生緑化マット体。【選択図】図1