The plunger for the IOL insertion instrument (30) the shaft (37) it had, the compressed possible sleeve to which that shaft the distal (2036) edge (32) and, had the point which extends to the front of the sleeve, is located around the shaft (40) it has. IOL which passes by the insertion instrument (12) at 1st stage of advance, the point of the plunger, it inserts IOL the insertion vessel itself (14) the 1st part (14a) via, pushes. At 2nd stage of the advance of IOL, the sleeve facing, with the distal (2036) edge of the plunger, the opening edge of the substance (18) to, narrow Obe amount of the insertion vessel itself (14b) it enters. The sleeve is compressed, extends to the front, covers the distal (2036) edge of the plunger finally. It accumulated to the point of the sleeve where the material of the viscoelasticity which is applied inside the insertion vessel was compressed and with IOL which was compressed, IOL which liquid pressure occurred with that, was compressed via the residual part of the insertion vessel itself, is pushed, IOL is put out from the opening edge.IOL挿入器具用のプランジャ(30)はシャフト(37)を備え、そのシャフトは、遠位端(32)および、スリーブの前方へと伸びる先端を備えた、シャフトの周りに位置する圧縮可能なスリーブ(40)を備えている。挿入器具を通るIOL(12)の進行の第1段階では、プランジャの先端は、挿入器本体(14)の第1の部分(14a)を通じてIOLをはめ込み、押す。IOLの進行の第2段階では、スリーブが、プランジャの遠位端と共に、本体の開口端(18)へ向かって、挿入器本体の狭小部分(14b)に入る。スリーブは圧縮され、前方に伸び、最終的にはプランジャの遠位端を被覆する。挿入器の内部に適用した粘弾性の素材が圧縮されたスリーブの先端と圧縮されたIOLとの間に蓄積し、それにより、液圧が生じ、挿入器本体の残余部分を通じて、圧縮されたIOLを押し、開口端からIOLを出す。