FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to orthodontics, and can be used for prediction of development of occlusion in children in periods of temporary and mixed occlusion. For this purpose, a scale is used, in which 10 groups of signs are considered: presence of pathological disorders in the bone system; appearance of face; tongue and upper lip bridle; presence of previously suffered orthodontic treatment and prevention of caries; accompanying pathology; tonus of chewing and facial muscles; socio-economic conditions of the child; pathological disorders of the tooth-jaw system; traumas of maxillofacial area (MFA); harmful oral habits. Each group is assigned with 0 to 2 points. If score is 18–20, the risk of occlusion is absent. If score is 10–17, the risk of occlusion is considered to be average, which requires further observation by visiting a pediatric dentist / pediatrician / dentist / orthodontic once in 3 months. If score is 0–9, the risk of occlusion is considered to be high, which requires urgent preventive orthodontic intervention.EFFECT: method provides the most accurate prediction of abnormal occlusion in children in periods of temporary and mixed occlusion by using a developed scale containing the most significant features, divided into groups and taking into account different pathogenetic links, stipulating the possibility of formation of abnormal occlusion in children in a certain age period.1 cl, 1 tblИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к ортодонтии, и может быть использовано для прогнозирования развития нарушения прикуса у детей в периоды временного и смешанного прикуса. Для этого используют шкалу, в которой учитывают 10 групп признаков: наличие патологических нарушений в костной системе; внешний вид лица; уздечка языка и верхней губы; наличие перенесенного ранее ортодонтического лечения и профилактика кариеса; сопутствующая патология; тонус жевательной и мимической мускулатуры; социально-экономические условия жизни ребе