The invention relates to a medical pump, especially for water jet surgery, inwhich the connection between a pump unit and a pump actuating device is improvedand the operability of the pump is simplified. To this end, the medical pump comprisesthe following: a pump unit comprising at least one piston to be displaced in anassociated cylinder; a pump actuating device comprising an openable and closableholding device for fixing and detaching the pump unit to or from the pump actuatingdevice; openable and closable coupling devices for coupling or decoupling thepiston to or from the pump actuating device; at least one drive device and a controlsystem for actuating the pump unit by displacing the piston, the drive devicebeing designed in a controllable manner for actuating, especially opening and/orclosing, the holding device and/or the coupling devices in such a way that a workingstate or idle state is generated; a detection means which is connected to an inletof the control system in a communicative manner and is embodied in such a way thatit detects a state of use defining a pre-determined position relation betweenthe pump unit and the pump actuating device, and transmits a first detection signal,describing the presence of the pump unit in the pump actuating device, to the controlsystem for controlling the drive device; the control system for processing thefirst detection signal being embodied in such a way that it controls the drivedevice for generating the working state.