A pollinator for Buddha flower pollination, including: a tube inside contains a sponge, and a pat therein, and a balloon connected at an end of the tube. The space above the sponge in the tube is provided for housing pollen powder. The air generated by pressing the balloon push the pat to hit the sponge thereafter pushing the pollen to implement the pollination. In the other embodiment, the tube has a larger cross-section for housing pollen more, e.g. 5 times. The tube inside contains a sponge, a pat, and a climb element, a rotate head and a climbed guide. therein. The climb element can be screwed up or down along the climbed guide. be screwed up to decrease the distance between upmost surface of the pollen contained and the opening of the tube.一種授粉器,適用於釋迦花的授粉,包括:一授粉管,一氣囊與該授粉管的一端連接,該授粉管內包含一拍打元件、一海綿元件,海綿元件的上方容置花粉。按壓氣囊時拍打元件撞擊海綿元件,以散佈花粉於雌蕊。在另一實施例,授粉管的截面直徑較大,以裝載較多的花粉,約為第一實施例的五倍。為防花粉在拍打過程未達管口已因花粉本身重力而落下,因而更包含可旋轉連接頭、一升降子及一半弧軌道,可旋轉連接頭轉動時升降子順著半弧軌道上升或下降,以因應授粉過程花粉消耗而調整海綿元件的底部。100‧‧‧授粉器本體101‧‧‧口徑縮小元件102‧‧‧柱狀海綿110‧‧‧第一端部1051‧‧‧空氣通道105‧‧‧拍打元件108‧‧‧塞子1081‧‧‧通孔130‧‧‧氣囊1301‧‧‧進風口150‧‧‧管刷1302‧‧‧出風口