A method for increasing production of hybrid seed of bee-pollinated crops, such asalfalfa and soybean at predetermined hybridity levels. Hybrid seed is produced usingfemale and pollenizer plants at a selected ratio of female plants to pollenizer plants.The female plants and the pollenizer plants are intermingled in the hybrid seedproduction field. Prediction of percentage of hybridity at various female topollenizer ratios allows for selection of a ratio of female plants to pollenizer plantsto provide seed at a test percentage of hybridity. The percentage of hybridity maybe increased post-harvest by employing techniques using seed properties suchas size differential, color or density to remove a higher percentage of non-hybrid seed.The hybrid seed product is maximized at various hybridity levels. Planting accordingto subrows allows for separate harvesting of intermingled crops. Testing thehybrid seed product provides verification of percentage of hybridity.