The invention describes a system for minimizing energy consumption and maximizing sedimentation and supplying sufficient oxygen using natural seawater. The fish farm is based on solid ground and includes a closed basin (1) with separate watertight parallel raceways (4), each raceway comprising one water intake pipe (2) with at least one escape barrier (16) connected to an inlet (5) of the fish farm and having at least one flow unit (17). Each raceway further comprises one water outlet pipe (3) with at least one escape barrier connected to an opposite outlet end (6) of the raceway, the outlet having an equal cross- sectional area as the inlet pipe and having at least one flow unit (17). The fish farm further comprises sludge extraction means. Inlet pipes and outlet pipes for the raceways have respectively an inlet opening and an outlet opening located at a level below the lowest low tide, and an upper edge of the basin is positioned above the highest high tide. Properly dimensioning of pipes and raceways increases sedimentation while reducing energy consumption.