The invention relates to a device of the intelligent autonomous and portable node type, meant for non-invasive measurement of low intensity bio-signals. According to the invention, the intelligent node consists of some measuring electrodes: an active electrode () and a reference electrode () for sampling bio-signals, a sampled bio-signal being passed through a low-pass frequency filter () and applied to a differential instrumental amplifier () whose output is passed through another low-pass frequency filter (), after which it is applied to the positive input of an amplifier () with programmable gain, at the negative input of the amplifier there being applied the reference voltage from the output of the digital-analogue converter (), and the output thereof being connected to the input of an analogue-digital converter () of Sigma-Delta type, the data obtained at the converter output being transmitted to a central processing unit () by means of a micro controller, through a two-way serial data transmission channel (), a data line () and a clock signal (), also used for programming the amplifier (). The digital-analogue converter (), controlled by the central unit (), serially communicates with a radio transmission module (), for the wireless transmission of the processed data and the control and synchronization signals through an antenna circuit ().Invenţia se referă la un dispozitiv de tip nod inteligent, autonom şi portabil, destinat măsurării neinvazive a biosemnalelor de mică intensitate. Nodul inteligent, conform invenţiei, este alcătuit din nişte electrozi de măsurare: un electrod () activ şi un electrod () de referinţă, pentru prelevarea de biosemnale, un biosemnal prelevat fiind trecut printr-un filtru () de frecvenţă trece jos, şi fiind aplicat unui amplificator () instrumental diferenţial, a cărui ieşire este trecută printr-un alt filtru () de frecvenţă trece jos, după care se aplică la intrarea pozitivă a unui amplificator () cu câştig programabil, la intrar