The present invention relates to a medicament delivery device (10) comprising: a housing (12, 14) having a distal and an proximal end, said housing being adapted to receive a medicament container (20) with a delivery member (23) or with a connectable delivery member for delivery of a medicament a drive mechanism (40) arranged to act on the medicament container (20) for providing automatic delivery of the medicament an actuator (42) interactively connected to the drive mechanism (40) for holding the drive mechanism in a pre-tensioned state a biased delivery member cover (26) positioned at least partially and axially movable within the housing (12, 14), said biased delivery member cover (26) being interactively connected to the actuator (42), such that when said biased delivery member cover (26) is pressed against a delivery site said actuator (42) releases the drive mechanism (40) from the pre-tensioned state and a signal delay mechanism (84) operably connected to said drive mechanism (40) for generating an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal indicating that the medicament has been completely delivered. The invention is characterized in that the signal delay mechanism (84) comprises an activator (74) interactively arranged to said drive mechanism, a signal generating element (86) interactively connected to the activator (74) and to an actuator (42) of the drive mechanism, and a delay element (100) operably connected to the housing and to the signal generating element (86) for delaying said generation of an audible and/or tactile and/or visual signal.本發明有關藥物輸送裝置(10),包含:外殼(12、14),具有遠側端及近側端,該外殼被設計成適於承納藥物容器(20),並具有用於輸送藥物之輸送構件(23)或具有可連接的輸送構件;驅動機件(40),被配置成作用在該藥物容器(20)上,用於提供該藥物之自動輸送;致動器(42),互動地連接至該驅動機件(40),用於將該驅動機件固持在預拉緊狀態中;偏向輸送構件蓋子(26),至少局部及軸向地被定位成可在該外殼(12、14)內運動,該偏向輸送構件蓋子(26)係互動地連接至該驅動機件(40),使得當該偏向輸送構件蓋子(26)被壓抵靠著輸送部位時,該致動器(42)由該預拉緊狀態釋放該驅動機件(40);及信號延遲機件(84),可操作地連接至該驅動機件(40),用於產生指示該藥物已被完全輸送的聽得見及/或觸覺及/或視覺信號。本發明之特徵為該信號延遲機件(84)包含互動地配置至該驅動機件之作動件(74)、互動地連接至該作動件(74)及至該驅動機