The invention relates to an absorbent product (1) having an extent in a plane in thelongitudinal direction and the lateral direction when the product is positioned ina plane position and a thickness perpendicular to the plane. The absorbent productcomprises a backing layer (2) and a top layer (3) and between them an absorption body(4), the absorbent product (1 ) being divided up in the longitudinal direction intoa rear section (7), a front section (8) and positioned between them a central section(9), and being divided up in the lateral direction into a first lateral zone (11),a second lateral zone (12) and positioned between them a central zone (13). Theinvention is characterized in that the top layer (3) comprises slits (14) in anarea which fully or partially encloses that part of the absorbent product (1)that is formed by the section of the central zone (13) and the central section (9),and which constitutes the wet area of the product.