Рябинин Денис Евгеньевич (RU),Шестаков Яков Иванович (RU),Грязин Владимир Альбертович (RU),Онучин Евгений Михайлович (RU)
The invention relates to the process equipment forestry machines and can be used in the timber industry and forestry. Known conic harvester (KLZM) comprising a pivotally mounted relative to the frame base of the machine, on which are mounted hydraulically the total cylinder clamping levers (GUZR), cylinder rotating conic about a horizontal axis, the apparatus for providing reliable anchoring trees (whip) (UNZD) packed conic consisting of deflecting rollers mounted under KZLM with adjustable distance therebetween, and the binding of cables passed through deflecting po iki, and connected to the ends of the upper and lower ends GUZR. Known KLZM not provide optimal clamping forces pack trees (whip) as a function of its volume, a method of laying trees (Komlov or vertices) and conditions of machine motion during logging. The technical result of the proposed design is to optimize KLZM pack clamping force. The technical result is achieved in that the proposed design KLZM UNZD formed consisting of the sensor 8, the pressure detecting value set in the hydraulic cylinder actuator 4 tilt conic about a horizontal axis, the sensor 8 is connected to the processing unit 9 and control unit 10, the latter acts on the hydraulic cylinder 5 drives the clamping levers 6. The change in the resistance packs trelyuemoy acts on the hydraulic cylinder 4, the actuator which varies the pressure value that the sensor registers 8. This design CR ZM reduces the loading of the structural elements, and hence reduce their weight without reducing the reliability of retention of the pack in trelyuemoy KLZM.1 SP f ly-2 Fig.