Pravdin Evgenij Vladimirovich (RU),Правдин Евгений Владимирович (RU),Uzlova Tatyana Vasilevna (RU),Узлова Татьяна Васильевна (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, particularly to operative gynecology. Two autonomous synthetic implants are made from polypropylene mesh, which are placed in rectovaginal and uterine-vaginal-puzyr spaces, fixed behind to muscles raising an anus, to posterior wall of vagina and to cervix, in front – to anterior wall of vagina and to cervix. First implant having width of 5 cm and a length corresponding to the length from the fixation point to the muscles raising the anus to the fixation point to the uterine cervix is placed longitudinally in the rectovaginal space between the posterior wall of the vagina and the rectum. Second is a basic implant having length of 15 cm and a width which is determined by the degree of prolapse and corresponds to the distance from the point of upper fixation – cervical uteri – to the point of lower fixation – vagina is arranged in the transverse direction. Z-shaped sutures are fixed with non-absorbable suture material from both sides to lateral scallop ligaments.EFFECT: method enables providing more effective surgical management of anterior, posterior and, primarily, apical prolapse, reducing a risk of postoperative complications due to the fact that the surgical intervention is carried out at a greater distance from the important anatomical structures compared to other methods: iliac vessels, sacral artery, epigastric nerve, obstruction vessels and nerves, corona mortis, the method allows not to remove uterus in surgical treatment of pelvic lowering in females.1 cl, 4 dwg, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, в частности к оперативной гинекологии. Устанавливают два автономных синтетических имплантата из полипропиленовой сетки, которые располагают в ректовагинальном и маточно-вагинально-пузырном пространствах, фиксируют сзади к мышцам, поднимающим задний проход, к задней стенке влагалища и к шейке матки, спереди - к передней стенке влагалища и к шейке матки. При этом первый имплантат, имеющий ширину 5 см и длину