A system having an elongate delivery catheter, an elongate mesh body including an expandable region positioned around at least a portion of the elongate delivery catheter, a retractable member that extends through the elongate delivery catheter to connect to the elongate mesh body, where the retractable member moves to radially expand the expandable region of the elongate mesh body from an undeployed state to an intermediate state. The system also includes a valve positioned around at least a portion of the elongate delivery catheter position, and a filter positioned around at least a portion of the elongate delivery catheter to filter and control fluid flow.長尺状送達カテーテル(102)と、長尺状送達カテーテルの少なくとも一部分の周りに配置される拡張可能な領域を含む長尺状網目体(104)と、長尺状送達カテーテルを通って延び、長尺状網目体に連結され、長尺状網目体の拡張可能な領域を非展開状態から中間状態へと径方向に拡張させるように移動する、引き戻し可能な部材(130)とを含むシステム(100)。システムはまた、長尺状送達カテーテル位置の少なくとも一部分の周りに配置される弁(106)と、流体の流れを濾過し制御するように、長尺状送達カテーテルの少なくとも一部分の周りに配置されるフィルタ(108)とを含む。