IYER, Pradeep,ROZENBAOUM, Eugene,EDWARDS, David,MALLYA, Prakash,LY, Tien
A system for selectively adhering and selectively releasing a multilayer stratified material to, and from a substrate, the system comprising: a multilayer layered material comprising (i) an inner layer defining a series of openings or fluid passageways extending through the inner layer, the inner layer presenting a controllable flow profile through the thickness of the inner layer, the inner layer defining a lower face and an upper face in the opposite direction, (ii) an adhesive layer disposed at along the lower face of the inner layer and (iii) a cover layer disposed on the upper face of the inner layer; an adhesive deactivating agent; wherein after contact of the adhesive layer with the substrate, the laminated material adheres to it; after removal of the cover layer from the laminated material, the inner layer and the series of fluid passage ducts are exposed; and after the application of the deactivating agent of the adhesive to the upper face of the inner layer and the passage of a sufficient contact time from several seconds to several minutes between the deactivating agent of the adhesive and the adhesive, the adhesive bond between the adhesive and the substrate, such that the adhesive bonded laminated material can be easily removed from the substrate.Un sistema para adherir selectivamente y liberar selectivamente un material estratificado multicapa a, y desde un sustrato, comprendiendo el sistema: un material estratificado multicapa que comprende (i) una capa interior que define una serie de aberturas o conductos de paso de fluido que se extienden a través de la capa interior, presentando la capa interior un perfil de flujo controlable a través del grosor de la capa interior, definiendo la capa interior una cara inferior y una cara superior en dirección enfrentada, (ii) una capa de adhesivo dispuesta a lo largo de la cara inferior de la capa interior y (iii) una capa de cubierta dispuesta sobre la cara superior de la capa interior; un agente de desactivació