Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Ulyanovskij gosudarstvennyj agrarnyj universitet imeni P.A. Stolypina"
Kurdyumov Vladimir Ivanovich (RU),Курдюмов Владимир Иванович (RU),Zykin Evgenij Sergeevich (RU),Зыкин Евгений Сергеевич (RU),Albutov Sergej Petrovich (RU),Албутов Сергей Петрович (RU)
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to agriculture. Bedder planter comprises ridge formers (4) fixed on frame (1), sowing units, rolling wheels (3). Ridge formers (4) comprise a stilt, a duckfoot shovel, a moldboard and a bracket. Moldboard is made spherical and is installed from the inner side of the wing duckfoot shovel at an acute angle to the direction of movement with the possibility of adjustment of this angle and the moldboard displacement relative to the cutting edges of the wings of the duckfoot shovel and fixation in the required position. Concave surface of the moldboard is directed towards the direction of ridge former (4) movement. Moldboards of each pair of ridge formers (4) are installed symmetrically relative to line of sown seeds. Moldboard sphere radius is defined by the relationship: where D is the diameter of the moldboard, m; ϕ = ω-i – central angle of circular arc formed as a result of section of moldboard with equatorial plane, degrees; is the cutting angle, degrees; k is ratio of moldboard diameter D to depth of soil treatment H1, ωa=α-εa is angle in section of moldboard by horizontal plane at distance H1 from soil surface, deg.; α is angle of attack, i.e. angle of installation of moldboard to direction of movement of bedder planter ridge former, deg.; εa is cutting angle of cutting, i.e. angle between moldboard cutting edge rear side and furrow wall, deg. Rollers (3) comprise a frame, spherical discs (25), rolling rings (29), axis (28), bar (30) with spring (31). Rollers (3) are located behind ridge formers (4). Shapers (32) are arranged in front of ridge formers (4). Each ploughshare (32) contains a stilt, a duckfoot shovel, a seed tube. Knife is installed along longitudinal axis of symmetry of duckfoot shovel in its front part in front of stilt, front edge of which is sharpened. Stilt is made hollow and is installed along the longitudinal axis of symmetry of the duckfoot shovel. Between wings of duckfoot shovel in parallel to