constructive arrangement applied to earrings for use in dairy or beef ear, consisting of earring (1) consisting of two inner (2) and outer (3) parts of soft pvc incorporating active insecticidal agents prior to the injection process, being the part (2) composed by plate (4), being provided in the front-superior termination, with shallow annular shoulder (5) with large through hole (6) and, on the posterior face, with small separating frusto-conical shoulders (7) and , near the lower edge, of small cylindrical projection with blunt tip (8) and the part (3) is composed of a plate (9), provided at the front-upper end, with shallow annular shoulder (10) with small through hole (11) and plurality of small separating frusto-conical shoulders (12) and, near the lower edge, a small countersunk hole (13) for trapping the blunt end of the projection (8) of part (2), with the frusto-conical edge of the fixing pin (14), of plastic du after piercing the ear hole of the animal and the hole (6) of the part (2), piercing and getting tightly trapped in the hole (11) of the part (3), whose development allowed obtaining an earring that, besides preventing The action of insects that can transmit serious diseases, prevents the occurrence of accidents caused by cattle actions in the field.disposição construtiva aplicada em brincos para uso em orelha de gado leiteiro ou de corte, constituído por brinco (1) composto por duas partes interna (2) e externa (3) de pvc mole onde é incorporado agentes inseticidas ativos antes do processo de injeção, sendo a parte (2) composta por placa (4), sendo dotada na terminação fronto-superior, de raso ressalto anelar (5) com grande orificio passante (6) e, na face posterior, de pequenos ressaltos troncônicos separadores (7) e, próximo da borda inferior, de pequena projeção cilíndrica com ponta rombuda (8) e a parte (3) é composta por uma placa (9), dotada, na terminação fronto-superior, de raso ressalto anelar (10) com pequeno orificio passante (11) e plu