The water Geng Xun Ring Gong Ye Installed of this Chong works set its at least You mono- Disk Body, a feed flow platform and Yi Ma Da institute Agencies atThere is Qi Zhong Disk Body accommodating Kong Inter Let to set a feed flow platform, and the oneth rib Strip of The feed flow platforms Let 1 and formed phase Even it is logical for the roads YeDistrict Jiyin District, and The hands over Wrong Let to set the 2nd rib Strip of Complex Number and forms a feed flow runner for liquid District collects water District in Disk Body Inner And Let mono-, and Gong Ye District With Yin Dao District Department have Broken differences face , Ma Da Fen Do Title Let Ji Shui District and Gong Ye District with Lose send Raising liquid. This Chong Zuo Chong Dot are in what:1. Gong Ye District are by feed flow runner with Slow He Raising liquid stream Move speed. 2. the Raising liquid flowed for liquid District Slow is by Broken differences face And Should centrifugal force and nature Guide flows to the roads DiOffice Yin District. 3. Disk Body Inner Raising liquid forms the first-class circuits Move Xun Ring by Ji Shui District, Gong Ye District and Yin Dao District, Chong Fen ?Yong Raising liquid without being lost.本創作之水耕循環供液裝置其至少由一盤體、一供液台及一馬達所構成;其中盤體具有容置空間設置一供液台,而該供液台設一第一肋條而形成相連通之供液區及引道區,且該供液區交錯設置複數第二肋條而形成一供液流道,在盤體內並設一集水區,且供液區與引道區係具有斷差面,馬達分別銜設集水區及供液區以輸送養液。本創作重點在於:1.供液區藉由供液流道以緩和養液流動速度。2.在供液區緩流的養液藉由斷差面並應用地心引力而自然導流往低處的引道區。3.盤體內養液藉由集水區、供液區及引道區形成一流動循環迴路,充分運用養液而不流失。