The present invention relates to methods and compositions for the treatment of dermatophytopathological conditions such as tinea pedis. Such medical conditions can progress through multiple stages, such as the fungal and bacterial stages, making it difficult to achieve effective treatment. The present invention is for the treatment of medical conditions that achieves a beneficial therapeutic effect using daily administration of a balanced combination of antifungal, antiperspirant and desiccant, regardless of the stage of the disease after initiation of treatment. It relates to effective combination therapy.本発明は、足白癬等の皮膚糸状菌病状の処置のための方法及び組成物に関する。そのような病状は、真菌及び細菌段階等の多段階を経て進行し得、有効な処置の達成を困難なものとしている。本発明は、処置の開始後の疾病の段階に関わらず、抗真菌薬、制汗剤及び乾燥剤のバランスの取れた組み合わせの連日投与を用いて有益な治療効果を達成する、病状の処置に有効な併用療法に関する。