1. The joint restoration training system using remote control devices includes a protective element 6, and a training angle adjustment device 7 mounted on the protective element, characterized in that it contains a remote medical terminal 1, a control terminal with a wireless connection to a remote medical terminal, and an angle measuring device that is mounted on said angle adjustment device; the control terminal includes a central processor connected to the device With an angle measurement property, a wireless communication module that is connected to the central processor via wireless communication with a remote medical terminal, and a display and speaker separately connected to the central processor; and a physiological parameter monitoring device connected to the central processor is installed on the protective element; a first blocking switch is installed between the protective element and the angle adjustment device, while the length-adjusting mechanism is installed on the protective element; said body adjusting length of the protective equipment includes a skid mounted on said a persistent level, and the second blocking switch which is installed on the said pallet and combines with this runner, and is used for fixing said pallet. 2. The system according to claim 1, characterized in that the protective element comprises a base, a mounting plate mounted on the base, and a pallet mounted on the mounting plate; an angle adjustment device is installed between the mounting plate and the base; protective length adjustment mechanism1. Система восстановительной тренировки суставов с применением устройств дистанционного управления включает в себя защитный элемент 6, и устройство регулировки тренировочного угла 7, установленное на защитном элементе, отличающееся тем, что содержит дистанционный медицинский терминал 1, терминал управления с беспроводным подключением к дистанционному медицинскому терминалу, и устройство измерения угла, которое установлено на указанном уст