ШЛЕССЕР Бенджамин Дж. (US),ЛОВЕТТ Бенджамин М. (US),КОЕРС Брюс А. (US),ХЬЮЗ Остин Уилльям (US)
1. draper platform for mounting on the receiving chamber agricultural harvester thresher having a forward direction of the working movement over the ground and a common width in a direction transverse to the forward direction, the draper platform comprising: a frame (102, 104, 106) formed by an elongated and extending substantially perpendicular to the forward direction and substantially parallel to the ground, a plurality of support arms (246, 246A, 246B) reciprocating knife which extend forwardly and are articulated in the rear portion of the plurality of support arms to the frame (102, 104, 106) for rotating the substantially up and down at their leading ends round pivot joints to the frame (102, 104, 106) and relative thereto unit (140) reciprocating a knife, which is elongated and extends in the transverse direction over substantially the entire width of draper platform (100), wherein the node (140) reciprocating knife located on the front edge draper platform, wherein the node (140) reciprocating knife connects n and rests on the front ends of the plurality of support arms (246), wherein the node (140) reciprocating blade is adapted to bend and thereby provide an independent pivot up and down each support arm (246) of the plurality of support arms (246) relatively adjacent front ends of the plurality of support arms (246) iprivod (250) reciprocating blade comprising an intermediate frame (258) which is disposed between and supported by two adjacent support arm (246) of the plurality of support arms1. Полотенная платформа для установки на приемной камере молотилки сельскохозяйственного комбайна, имеющая направление вперед рабочего перемещения по земле и общую ширину в направлении, поперечном направлению вперед, при этом полотенная платформа содержит:раму (102, 104, 106), выполненную удлиненной и продолжающуюся по существу перпендикулярно направлению вперед и по существу параллельно землемножество опорных рычагов (246, 246А, 246В) возвратно-поступательно перемещ