FIELD: domestic animals.SUBSTANCE: present invention provides a composition suitable for use as an animal litter, a method for managing waste and an animal litter box. Composition comprises a component having a density less than that of liquid and a second component having a density of at least 5 lb/ft3 greater than the first component. First component segregates from the second component by migrating toward the top of the composition when a liquid is added to the composition. Animal litter box comprises a device for containing animal litter and suitable for use by an animal when excreting animal waste, as well as one or more compositions which comprise a first component having a density less than that of liquid and a second component having a density of at least 5 lb/ft3 greater than the first component, where the first component segregates from the second component by migrating toward the top of the composition when a liquid is added to the composition. Method for managing waste comprises contacting the waste with a composition, which comprises a component having a density less than that of liquid and a second component having a density of at least 5 lb/ft3 greater than the first component. First component segregates from the second component by migrating toward the top of the composition when a liquid is added to the composition.EFFECT: using this group of inventions provides enhancing the organoleptic properties of animal litters after use.25 cl, 5 tbl, 6 exНастоящее изобретение относится к композиции, подходящей для применения в качестве наполнителя туалетов для животных, способу обращения с отходами и ящику для наполнителя туалетов для животных. Композиция содержит компонент, имеющий плотность меньше, чем у жидкости, и второй компонент, имеющий плотность по меньшей мере на 5 фунт/фут3 больше, чем у первого компонента. Первый компонент отделяется от второго компонента посредством перемещения в направлении верхней части композиции при добавлении жидкости к ком