The present invention provides an automated external defibrillator supply system and an operating method thereof. The automated external defibrillator supply system includes an operation control center and a plurality of AED supply units remotely connected to the operation control center. The operation control center is remotely connected to at least one terminal device and each of the AED supply units is provided with at least one AED. When a terminal device logs in the operation control center and sends a requirement message, the operation control center calculates the time needed for the delivery from different AED supply units and the amounts of available AEDs, and sends the location of the terminal device to the AED supply unit which can deliver in the shortest time, such that the AED supply unit is allowed to deliver the AED to the terminal device.本發明提供一種自動體外電擊器供給系統及其運作方法,其中,自動體外電擊器供給系統其包含:一行控中心,其可供至少一終端裝置遠端連結;以及複數個AED供給單元,其各包含至少一自動體外電擊器(AED),並可遠端連結行控中心;藉此,當一終端裝置登入行控中心並發出一需要訊息時,行控中心可計算出各AED供給單元將其自動體外電擊器送達至終端裝置所需之時間、及可送達之數量,並將終端裝置之位置傳送給可最快送達之AED供給單元,令可最快送達之AED供給單元將其自動體外電擊器送至終端裝置所在處。