A new distinct cultivar of Dahlia plant named ‘DAFEMOGTYVE’, characterized by its upright to spreading shape, with stiff and strong lateral stems and thick (mostly single but few with 2-3 leaflets) leaves color of mature leaves are RHS Yellow-Green 147A (but darker) on the upper side, RHS Greyed-Green 191A on the underside compound leaves 10-15 cm (4-5.9 in) in length, and 6-11 cm (2.4-4.3 in) in width. The more common single leaves are 5-15 cm (2-5.9 in) in length and 3-8 cm (1.2-3.1 in) in width composite flower heads, 8-9 cm (3.1-3.5 in) in diameter, and a large number of RHS Red 45B ray florets (about 90-110).