1. A method of predicting social mood and behavior patterns of several people by using the physiological data, the method comprising: receiving physiological data from several people more computing devices, analysis of the physiological data and determining social attitudes and patterns of behavior of people using these physiological dannyh.2. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the receiving computing device comprise a server and receive data through physiological svyazi.3 network. A method according to Claim. 1, comprising: receiving physiological data from a person using one datchika.4. A method according to Claim. 1, comprising: receiving physiological data from several people having a relationship with drugimi.5. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the analysis of the physiological data comprises aggregate data from multiple chelovek.6. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the analysis of the physiological data comprises keeping current sobytiy.7. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the analysis of the physiological data comprises a personal account lyudey.8 activity. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the analysis of the physiological data comprises account physical parameters cheloveka.9. A method according to claim. 8, characterized in that the physical parameter relates to one or more of the group consisting of health status, age, sex, weight, body fat percentage, genetic factors, and physical biometrics mestonahozhdenie.10. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the analysis of the physiological data comprises prediction relations between two or more lyudmi.11. The method of claim. 10, characterized in that1. Способ прогнозирования социальных настроений и структуры поведения нескольких человек с использованием физиологических данных, при этом способ содержит:получение физиологических данных от нескольких человек несколькими вычислительными устройствамианализ физиологических данных иопределение социальных н