Invention herewith described refers to the methenamine hydro sulphocyanate application for the production of drugs for infections caused by methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the circumstances that methenamine hydro sulphocyanate applied as a drug starts "the immunity thunderstorm" &ndash the state of the immunity system which is characterized by an increased intensity of cellular as well as humoral components of the immune response. In such a state, MRSA partially damaged by synergic action of formaldehyde as the degradation product of methenamine and sulphocyanate ion, becomes recognizable for the immune system and is more intensively exposed to the specific defense mechanisms, which lead to the desired therapeutic effect.Pronalazak se odnosi na primenu metenaminhidrorodanida za proizvodnju lekova za infekcije prouzrokovane meticilin-rezistentnim stafilokokom aureusom (MRSA). Terapijski efekat postiže se zahvaljujući okolnosti da metenaminhidrorodanid aplikovan kao lek pokreće «imunitetnu oluju sa grmljavinom» - stanje sistema imuniteta koje karakteriše povećani intenzitet kako ćelijske, tako i humoralne komponente imunog odgovora. U takvom stanju MRSA, i sam delimično oštećen sinergijskim delovanjem formaldehida kao degradacionog produkta metenamina i rodanidnog jona, postaje prepoznatljiviji za sistem imuniteta i biva intenzivnije izložene specifičnim mehanizmima odbrane koji dovode do željenog terapijskog efekta.