Litvichenko Evgenij Mikhajlovich,Литвиченко Евгений Михайлович
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to restorative medicine, manual therapy, osteopathy, massage and can be used to treat and prevent pain symptoms caused by muscle tone disorders, and in a complex of health improvement of the human body. Method of correcting muscle-ligamentous tone to its balanced state with respect to the attachment points of the muscle is based on the mechanical manipulation of the muscles. Initially, the presence of a muscular response to the force effect of the hands of a rehabilitologist is diagnosed, which is carried from the middle of the muscle towards one and then to another place of attachment. As a result, determine to which of the attachment points the muscle is shifted with less effort. In direction of this place, a series of short exposures in the form of tremors or shifting of the muscle is carried out until equilibrium state of the muscular-ligamentous tone is established, at which the shearing of the muscle became equally amplitude, equally uniform and conducted with the same force to each place of its attachment. When changing the direction of smaller forces to the opposite effect, they also change to the opposite direction until equilibrium state is reached. In absence of changes, the reception is repeated until the equilibrium state of the muscle-ligamentous tone is reached. Additionally, joints are exerted in a series of articulations to facilitate, around its axis, to the sensation of elastic resistance.EFFECT: method ensures achievement of sustainable rehabilitation of musculoskeletal system.4 clИзобретение относится к восстановительной медицине, мануальной терапии, остеопатии, массажу, может быть использовано для лечения и профилактики болевых симптомов, вызванных нарушениями тонуса мышц, и в комплексе оздоровления организма человека. Способ коррекции мышечно-связочного тонуса до его сбалансированного состояния относительно мест крепления мышцы основан на проведении механических манипуляций с мышцами. Вначале диагно