An ultrasonic drying method of goods includes the steps of: A. supporting a drying object by an operation substrate B. covering the drying object by a soft and heavy material to secure the drying object C. applying ultrasound to the operation substrate and D. causing the drying object to receive the ultrasound, where the drying object is fixed in place by the soft and heavy material, and thereby water contained in the drying object is atomized by the ultrasonic vibration and the drying object is desiccated. The present invention allows the surface of the drying object to remain intact during the drying process.本發明係關於一種物品超音波乾燥之方法,包括有下列步驟:A.使一待乾燥物放置於一處理平台。B.將一軟質重物覆蓋於該待乾燥物上,使其定位。C.對於該處理平台施予一超音波。D.使該待乾燥物接受該超音波,且該待乾燥物受該軟質重物之覆蓋而避免於該處理平台上跳動,藉以使該待乾燥物所留存的水分因該超音波之振盪作用而逸出,令該待乾燥物獲得乾燥。並且能進一步使該待乾燥物於乾燥的過程中,保持其表面之完整不受到傷害。