Provided are seafood broth using shells and a method for preparing the same. The method comprises the following steps: putting abalone shells and mussel shells into purified water, and extracting aqueous calcium and a trace of nutrient components by using a pressurized extractor to extract useful components from the shells and a step of putting kelp, anchovy, shiitake mushroom, abalone meat, jujube, licorice, and spices into the extract of the abalone shells and mussel shells, and preparing broth composed of amino acid and biologically active substances in a general caldron. The purpose of the present invention is to prepare the extract of abalone shells and mussel shells into broth so as to use the broth as food. Seasoned broth is characterized by being prepared such that: 1.0-7.0 w/v% of kelp, 2.6-7.0 w/v% of anchovy, 3.0-5.0 w/v% of shiitake mushroom, 7-1.6 w/v% of jujube, 1.0-2.4 w/v% of licorice, 0.6-1.5 w/v% of garlic, 0.5-5.0 w/v% of spring onion, 0.3-1.5 w/v% of Chungyang chili pepper, and 0.3-1.0 w/v% of ginger are added, in a general caldron, with respect to 90.0-68.0 w/v% of extracts of abalone shells and mussel shells, and the seasoned broth is extracted in the caldron at 95-100°C for 0.5-1.0 hours.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017전복 패각 및 홍합 패각을 정제수를 넣고 압력 추출기로 수용성 칼슘 및 미량 영양성분을 추출하여 패각의 유용성분을 추출하는 단계, 상기의 전복 패각 및 홍합 패각 추출물에 다시마, 큰 멸치, 표고버섯, 전복살, 대추, 감초 및 향신료를 일반 솥에서 아미노산, 생리활성 물질로 이루어진 육수를 제조하는 것으로, 전복 및 홍합과 같은 패각류 추출물을 육수로 제조하여 식품으로서의 역할을 수행할 수 있도록 하는데 목적이 있다. 조미 육수는 전복 및 홍합 패각 추출물 90.0~68.0 w/v%에 다시마 1.0~7.0 w/v%, 큰 멸치 2.6~7.0 w/v%, 표고버섯 3.0~5.0 w/v%, 대추 w/v%, 7~1.6 w/v%, 감초 1.0~2.4 w/v%, 마늘 0.6~1.5 w/v%, 대파 0.5~5.0 w/v%, 청양고추 0.3~1.5 w/v%, 생강 0.3~1.0 w/v%를 일반 솥에 95~100℃로 0.5~1.0시간 동안 조미 육수를 추출하는 것을 특징으로 하는 패각류를 이용한 해산물 육수 및 그의 제조방법이다.