FIELD: food industry.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to the food industry, in particular to a method for the rapid preparation of a first course meal from animal raw materials, and can be used in meat, poultry, fish processing industries in the production of instant food. Method for the rapid preparation of a first course meal, comprising a broth and a mixture of noodles, meat and flavoring additives, provides for the production of broth from non-standard raw materials, in the form of bones after boning carcasses of birds or cattle or rabbits, after cooking, the hot broth and bones are separated, the broth is cooled to a temperature of 70–80 °C and packed in an insulated container with a tube. Meat used is skin from the carcass of the bird, which on the flesh side is greased, fried for 4–5 minutes at a temperature of 120–130 °C in the melt of the internal fat of the flesh upon reaching a moisture content of 7.5–8.0 %, cooled to 18–20 °C, cut into segments with a width of 4.0–4.5 mm, sprinkled with a mixture of dry crushed herbs and vegetables, salt and pepper in a ratio of 2:4:1, separating excess mixture by shaking on a sieve for 2–3 minutes, followed by mixing the segments with noodles in a ratio of 5 parts of noodles and 1 part of fried poultry skin segments. Mixture of noodles, meat and flavoring additives is packed into insulated containers, hung on the lid of a insulated container with a tube with pre-packaged broth, mixture of noodles, meat and flavoring additives prepacked in insulated containers is rigidly fixed and tightened with a cap.EFFECT: method enables to obtain a high-quality product, expand the range of fast-food catering products, enable eating in both home and uncomfortable conditions.3 cl, 4 exИзобретение относится к пищевой промышленности, в частности к способу быстрого приготовления первого блюда из сырья животного происхождения, и может быть использовано в мясо-, птице-, рыбоперерабатывающих отраслях промышленности при производстве продуктов быс