The present invention improves the body and the surface structure of the polygon or fixtures that are implanted in the alveolar bone during the implant procedure fixtures perform a smooth implant placement during and after the process more reliable and robust retained implant osseointegration status as enhances osseointegration after implantation begins on pikseuchyeoeul bone can form a resistance to instantly load the initial fixation is excessive rotation of the fixture during mastication or prevent loosening due to the reverse rotation of the screw portion or the upper portion of the structure with a polygonal surface to provide a bonding strength between the implant and the bone (jaw) implant fixture wing relates to a polygon having an improved implant configured to form a conical pillar that has . To this end, the present invention, the body is a polygon (polygon) to form an equilateral triangle as a starting square, regular pentagon, hexagon, heptagon positive, stable and robust bone variety of polygons (polygons) to be fusion implant fixture than a regular octagon, etc. After consists of a form. In addition, dagakhyeongga straight (straight type) and is divided into twisted (twisted) shape, and each corner of the polygon is composed of surfacing the type and not the type treatment, which should be as cutting edge is formed again on polygon edges configuration, and the two forms have both given in each of the corners can be smoothly inserted during implant placement in the home, conical jaws (wing) in the fixture above the cylinder is formed when the cone fixed jaw (wing) is bone by turning the fixture The initial static pressure on the top is formed and is configured to reduce and reverse the fixture after implant loosening.본 발명은 임프란트 픽스쳐 시술시 치조골에 매식되는 다각형 픽스쳐의 몸체와 나사면 구조를 개선하여 식립시 원활한 매식 과정을 수행하고 초기 고정력을 향상 시켜 즉시하중에 저항할 수 형태로 픽스쳐을 치조골에 매식 후 골 융합이 시작되면서 보다 안정적이고 견고한 매식 상태를 유지하여 골 융합 후에는 과도한 저작시 픽스쳐의 회전이나 역회전으로 인한 풀림 현상이 없도록 치조골과의 매식 결합력을 제공하는 나사면의 구조와 다각형 나사부