This invention provides for a method for preventing or interrupting thetransmission of anthropod and mosquito-borne diseases from a first actual orputative amplifying or incipient host to a second actual or putativeamplifying or incipient host, which comprises applying or administering aformulation comprising an effective amount of at least one 1-N-arylpyrazole tosaid first actual or putative amplifying host and/or actual or putativeamplifying or incipient host. This invention also provides for a method ofusing a bait placed in a bird station, the bait comprises an affective amountof at least one 1-N-arylpyrazole either alone or in combination with anantiparasitic, antihelmintic, or insecticidal agents. This invention alsoprovides for an apparatus for delivering an effective amount of a formulationaccording to the present invention to a bird or animal in an environment whereit resides.