Modular system for the installation of vegetation on paved or built up areas, with simple procedures for the installation and Design. System, which prevents the binding of roots in the Slab as the plant species (Grass, Ground Cover, etc.) are not C Ontact with the Slab.Combination of Five layers for the installation of vegetation in Built Up areas, roofs, terraces, balconies or any paved area. These layers are: 1) module, geotextile, 2) 3) 4) substrate, vegetation or Seeds, 5) Mesh Separation and Stabilizing the deducted.Free seepage of Moisture within the environments, as is the case with other systems of Green Roofs - the drainage of water exceeds the storage capacity of the system occurs in free form. - can be installed and removed from the place where was placed without any breaks in the original Pavement.- if there is need to make repairs can be carried out only where the sector involved. Based in the heart of the System, built-in modules, on which there are loaves of Lawn, shrubs or hidroproyectadas Seeds.Features of module - manufactured in High Impact polypropylene (recyclable) - socket system allows a quick and Easy installation - designed to retain Rainwater Minimising or Eliminating Irrigation needs - excess Water drains through the perforac Ions Distributed throughout the module allows the circulation of Air between the Module and the TechOr through flows convectoras - achieves a uniform Surface without jointsSistema modular para la instalación de vegetación sobre áreas construidas o pavimentadas, con procedimientos sencillos, tanto para la instalación como para el diseño. Sistema, que impide la fijación de raíces en la losa, ya que las especies vegetales (césped, cubresuelos, etc.) no tienen contacto con la losa. Conjunción de cinco capas para la instalación de vegetación en áreas construidas, en azoteas, terrazas, pequeños balcones o cualquier área pavimentada. Dichas capas son: 1) Módulo, 2) geotextil, 3) sustrato, 4) vegetación o semillas, 5) mal